Even The Rocks
In a little over two weeks I'm going to be moving to Liverpool to attend university there. 

Liverpool is a vibrant city with music firmly in her history. Open mic nights are going to be a must, as well as the odd street performance.

Also I've uploaded an EP to Bandcamp with some very basic and rather rough recordings of three of my songs. Download for FREE or more here 
So this week I've recorded two tracks at the BYFA in........ a cupboard. Yeah, I little box room equipped with a microphone. It's not actually that bad! And I'm hoping to get enough recorded to get an EP out in the next couple of weeks. Exciting isn't it! 

Other than that, my acting training continues, and I've even had a go at stand up. Oh! and my songs have been going down well on open mic! 

Bring on week 3! 

So, I'm currently at The British Youth Film Academy, which is pretty awesome, and there appears to be opportunities for recording some of my tracks. I'm there to do acting, which I love, so I will be having to fit it all into the next four weeks somehow, but I'm determined to make it work! 

So watch this space for possible downloads and maybe some other surprises too......
